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long I'm not here bylo.Mielismy different turbulence-sickness, broken computer, etc. I go out to prosta.Myslami already getting closer to go to Polish (not it's already a whole month!). We have to buy a suitcase, pick up Luke's passport, somehow grasp it all.
Time is running out too fast for us, children are developing, zmieniaja.Piotr started (finally!) speak the first word of English and even I was once witness to try to establish conversations with our neighbors. It brings the nursery song, talks about what you would read them and What did (!). Sophie is growing like a weed, at school, it goes sometimes worse, sometimes better as usual in szkole.Zapalu not missing, he gets up every day with a smile and smile back home. We look at it with ease knowing that school performance is most important in life are not a girl Sophie, and is capable of doing better than English is not a child in her class. Lukasz
but unfortunately still going on in August pieluchach.Zacial nocnikowym including training and pee outside the diapers do not want to look majty and proposals can not sit on the toilet seat, be potty heap cry of protest. It does not help motivation and reward, and the translation does not help him so zachecanie.Odpuscilam and wait for a better moment.Nie wants nothing to do on the strength for what I have in him a chodowac unnecessary trauma? With things on the plus-Lukasz more often stays with us in bed at night (which means you do not need him to get down to the cartoons in August stopped scratching) I do not sleep through it better because I wake up 2-4 times at night is a matter normalna.Mimo then we take this as a positive because if you can watch The Mole in the middle of the night? Leather him out of last week and it has improved very the case of a new steroid, which aroused in me feeling quite mixed. First it spreads Mascia sprawialy him pain, and even I wondered if this abomination is not leave and do not fly to the doctor after another recepte.Jednka after several lubrication has such beautiful skin which I have not widzialam.Wiem him well, it's just a matter of time because the skin August ointment is accustomed to and immunization against it dzaalnie, but enjoy the moment.
What else? We are sitting at home today because Peter's so I recently przewialo kurujemy.Pogoda treacherous outside the window-like sun and simultaneously beautiful, cold, blustery wiatr.To much news. We are moving forward:)
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