This is from my own experience, when my grandmother still accustomed to the natural care products hair (egg yolks, honey, mustard powder, Borodino or black bread, flour, bran, apple cider or wine vinegar ... forgetting half of them would be all).
Now I hasten to generalize recipes with natural resources that provide health and nutrition for the "clothes" to our heads.
So the promised 2-in-1: Shampoo-mask " Banana mix ")))
- 1 banana - peel and beat blender a magnificent mass,
- 1 egg yolk,
- 1 tbsp of the base oil (such as jojoba, vin.kosti, sea buckthorn, almond, macadamia )
mix thoroughly and add
- juice of 1 lemon,
- 1-2 tablespoons of honey,
- preferably by 1 ampoule vitamin. B6 and B12,
- might add: 1 tbsp salt, and add composition of essential oil (5-10 drops).
Apply the mixture to dry hair - on the roots and the entire length of the hair for 15-30 minutes. Be sure to wrap up at least a package to banana mashed potatoes from drying out (badly washed away in a dried up). Wash, thoroughly rinsing and vychesyvaya (you can even comb) under water, paying special attention thoroughness of rinsing the mixture at the roots of hair.
Banana - great cleaner and has a foamy consistency.
yolk - a wonderful natural emulsifier for nourishing oil and an excellent source of nutrients for the hair.
Lemon - conditioner and degreaser.
Who Dry hair - may well be that the mixture can be replaced shampoo.
My hair near the roots are prone to fat, so I (so as not to risk the appearance of hair, which my 1 time per week) initially nanoshu quite a bit of shampoo on the roots and carefully wash and a bit of soaked hair with a towel, nanoshu this composition. After his hair acquire additional volume and elastic, healthy flexibility, not to mention the necessary nourishment of hair follicles to activate hair growth!
In our time, the active use of the benefits of civilization and progress we have from prom. shampoos crazy addiction. Therefore, if you decide pereadaptirovat Care their hair for this recipe, do so during the holidays, weekends and in the morning when you have to run to work. Gradually, the hair will get used to this combination and I think that before the end of your deal or not, we must give it the attention and time. Try and share your experiences.
If your hair is very dry, then the mixture add a little olive oil or rub it into the roots of the hair for 1 hour before shampooing, then wash the hair with soap or shampoo.
And : Indelible MASKS and rinsing (almost all of them with very valuable product - honey):
A decoction of onion peel apart that will strengthen your hair, improve growth and cure of dandruff, so more and give your hair a golden-reddish tint reflux. Fill the shells with boiling water and leave brew (or boil) for 15-20 minutes, rinse your hair with broth.
about herbal remedies for hair care can be read here .
Now I hasten to generalize recipes with natural resources that provide health and nutrition for the "clothes" to our heads.
So the promised 2-in-1: Shampoo-mask " Banana mix ")))
- 1 banana - peel and beat blender a magnificent mass,
- 1 egg yolk,
- 1 tbsp of the base oil (such as jojoba, vin.kosti, sea buckthorn, almond, macadamia )
mix thoroughly and add
- juice of 1 lemon,
- 1-2 tablespoons of honey,
- preferably by 1 ampoule vitamin. B6 and B12,
- might add: 1 tbsp salt, and add composition of essential oil (5-10 drops).
Apply the mixture to dry hair - on the roots and the entire length of the hair for 15-30 minutes. Be sure to wrap up at least a package to banana mashed potatoes from drying out (badly washed away in a dried up). Wash, thoroughly rinsing and vychesyvaya (you can even comb) under water, paying special attention thoroughness of rinsing the mixture at the roots of hair.
Banana - great cleaner and has a foamy consistency.
yolk - a wonderful natural emulsifier for nourishing oil and an excellent source of nutrients for the hair.
Lemon - conditioner and degreaser.
Who Dry hair - may well be that the mixture can be replaced shampoo.
My hair near the roots are prone to fat, so I (so as not to risk the appearance of hair, which my 1 time per week) initially nanoshu quite a bit of shampoo on the roots and carefully wash and a bit of soaked hair with a towel, nanoshu this composition. After his hair acquire additional volume and elastic, healthy flexibility, not to mention the necessary nourishment of hair follicles to activate hair growth!
In our time, the active use of the benefits of civilization and progress we have from prom. shampoos crazy addiction. Therefore, if you decide pereadaptirovat Care their hair for this recipe, do so during the holidays, weekends and in the morning when you have to run to work. Gradually, the hair will get used to this combination and I think that before the end of your deal or not, we must give it the attention and time. Try and share your experiences.
If your hair is very dry, then the mixture add a little olive oil or rub it into the roots of the hair for 1 hour before shampooing, then wash the hair with soap or shampoo.
And : Indelible MASKS and rinsing (almost all of them with very valuable product - honey):
- to strengthen hair, increase their growth, elimination of dandruff, getting rid of excess fat and give your hair softness and shine - onion juice + honey (no matter how I "FECAMP" from the bow in this case, but if you really need to be strengthened, then try): to 4 parts grated and squeezed onion, stirring well, add 1 part honey. The mixture was rubbed into the scalp and leave for 20-30 minutes, covering his head rubber cap or plastic bag and rinse with warm water and rinse with lemon juice, quite tolerably neutralizing onion scent on the hair (and on the scalp odor still some time to be heard ...), but at the same time conditioning them.
- To mitigate Hair: 30 g pharmacy Chamomile pour 100ml of boiling water and infuse for an hour, strain and add 1 dess. a spoonful of honey. Pre-washed and slightly threadbare towel hair and the hair root drench with this solution. After 30-40 minutes rinse hair with warm water. Very dry hair to handle so every 2 weeks, and greasy hair - Weekly.
- for dry, bleached, over-dried hair: 1 tbsp honey, 1 tsp castor oil, 1 tsp aloe juice mix and rub into the hair for 30-40 minutes. After Then rinse the hair and, if necessary - Wash and rinse hair with a decoction or infusion of herbs. Such procedures should be done once or twice a week to As long as your hair will not be quite elastic. This mask is recommended to do and dyed hair, and after a perm.
- Herbal Nutrition: 1 part chopped herbs (ground dried herbs tired of boiling water to porridge condition or use fresh herbs, eg., lemon balm, mint, nettle, sage, dandelion, lime blossom, arnica, chamomile, plantain, mashed in a mortar with a small amount of water to a porridge of state) Mix with 1 part honey. Distributed on the scalp for 15-30 minutes, encased under the cap or bag, and rinse thoroughly, scraping the scalp from the remnants of grass.
- Очищает и смягчает кожу, оказывает дезинфицирующее действие при зуде, шелушении, покраснениях: к 100 г меда (если мед кристаллизовался, то его слегка разогреть) add 50 grams of vodka or brandy, stir until smooth. Absorbed by the roots and spread throughout the length. Apply better on wet hair. You can wash away already 10-25 min.
- Universal Mask: 1 egg yolk and 1-2 tablespoons honey thoroughly. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes and preferably wrap to avoid drying out the hair yolk (Dried hard washed). It is recommended especially for dry hair.
- Power and air conditioning: 50 grams of honey mixed with the juice of 1 / 2 lemon. Absorbed by the roots hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse. Hair shiny and silky!
- This is a universal softening hair mask for normal, dry and aging skin face and neck (on the whole upper part))): 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon sour cream, buttermilk and vegetable oils (eg, olive, castor, almond), and 1 tablespoon honey mixed and triturated a homogenous mass. The mixture can be applied to the hair roots, on the face and neck. After 15-30 minutes rinse. If the roots of the hair greasy and has the effect of nedomytoy fat, it can mask do to wash your hair.
- Finest herbal remedies can be done independently for rinsing hair: a tincture of powdered herbs, fruits, roots on fruit vinegar or dry wine the following plants: nettle, chamomile, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme, calamus, green tea, rose hips, burdock root, oak bark, peel of citrus fruits (and much more useful around) - a well-sealed containers fill half the chopped herbs and then filled up to the top wine (preferably white) or vinegar, insist approximately 2-3 weeks and use to rinse hair after washing for 1 liter. 1-2 tablespoons water infusions.
A decoction of onion peel apart that will strengthen your hair, improve growth and cure of dandruff, so more and give your hair a golden-reddish tint reflux. Fill the shells with boiling water and leave brew (or boil) for 15-20 minutes, rinse your hair with broth.
about herbal remedies for hair care can be read here .
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