morning washing can be replaced by rubbing pieces of ice beauty. This pleasant procedure rejuvenates the skin, smooths wrinkles, tightens pores and contributes to the natural blush and shine of your face health problems.
Ice for rubbing can be done independently from broth or herbs from the water with tincture of herbs (or extracts), remembering a few rules:
1. Apply drinking, mineral, distilled water.
2. Consider the concentration in the dosing of herbs (see the annotation to herbs and cosmetics).
3. To select herbs and ingredients in accordance with their skin type.
Ice helps to narrow pores and visually rejuvenate the skin. From which it can make ice for wiping face? How to properly cook?
Some herbal infusions versatile and suitable for everyone. They can be prepared from the following herbs: Daisy mint, lemon balm, a series of St. John's wort, sage, linden blossom and even green tea. cook them is simple: usually take one tablespoon of herbs or a mixture is poured cup boiling water (or bring to a boil) and insist on the half-hour before cooling. Then filtered and the infusion is poured into molds for ice, placed in a freezer camera. Keep an ice for a long time is not recommended usually a week or two - use every day and try to make herbal teas, a little bit by changing the composition to the skin is more diverse care. Prepare cosmetic ice can be picked up on their own composition. Here is a simple list: what herbs and mix approach for a particular skin type.
Normal skin
For normal skin type is very good setwell. It can be confused with greater plantain and yarrow. Suit and violet tricolor, pharmacy dill. Decoction of the herb is just as universal, and kept the same.
To prepare the ice can be used in Fig. But he has a slight bleaching action. A small amount of rice boil a large quantity of water without the addition of spices. When the rice is fully seethe, skipping it through a strainer. The resulting liquid is freeze and use for other purposes. Such ice is stored no longer than three days.
Dry skinFor dry skin fits ice, prepared as herbs and berries and fruits. Collection of blood-red hawthorn, Eleutherococcus senticosus, dandelion root is indispensable for the skin. Ice prepared in the usual way, and so also stored.
You can make cosmetic ice from extracts of berries. Best red. To this end, we take three tablespoons of berries, we press them, fill the two glasses of cold water (not tap !!!). After two or three hours filtering and freeze the resulting liquid.Very good for dry ice from the fruits of mountain ash. Two tablespoons of berries to put down, pour a glass of hot water, infuse for about an hour and then freeze. This ice is stored in a freezer is not more than 5-6 days.Oily skinPerhaps for bold type skin fits the largest number of plants: mountain arnica, calendula, Japanese Sophora, horsetail, rhizomes Bergenia crassifolia and the five-finger erect. In the preparation of ice from these fees and their mixtures can be there to add the juice of fresh cucumber and a few drops of lemon juice. But when they use the term ice storage is reduced by a day or two.
For this skin type are suitable, such as herb collection, as well as for normal to oily skin. They can be combined, but it is better to refrain from the use of cucumber juice and lemon.
use the sources: "Women's Health"
course, for making ice is best to use charges of herbs that independently harvested in summer. But not everyone has time on it, and properly dry the grass - a real science. So in most cases come from ready extracts and pharmacy charges. But though the grass and stored for very long, especially attention to the expiry date printed on the packaging.
For its parties can offer semi-finished products from a concentrate of individually selected extracts and tinctures for further dilution of the aqueous phase (purified water gidrolatami) and freeze. Very well-proven speed of preparation and capacity of utilities!
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