Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Aquarium fish black molly fish aquarium habit

I will cherish aquarium fish and has led to molinezje me a few questions. Do you fret molinezje like fins to the other fish in baniaku. And what gromadkach feel good eg 6 pieces.

I read that, like the damage from time to time either in a tropical fish Baniak, among them are also often perform. Aquarium fish, as they say molinezje have such a disposition, that at some time aquarium fish podskubujÄ…, and a bunch of four fish for them is not enough. From what I read in lekturach is a good approach is to breed for example, 2 males and 3 females.

As the fish aquarium species, males that are not poorly aggressive, but females keep these aquarium fish grzeczniejszy lifestyle. Provided that the hens in baniaku are more males will have to unload on someone and be less aggressive. But to varying baniaku little fishes behave differently. aquarist had three males and one a female, female in general were not interested, and for the males chasing after baniaku.


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