Aquarium fish black molly fish aquarium habit
I will cherish aquarium fish and has led to molinezje me a few questions. Do you fret molinezje like fins to the other fish in baniaku. And what gromadkach feel good eg 6 pieces.
I read that, like the damage from time to time either in a tropical fish Baniak, among them are also often perform. Aquarium fish, as they say molinezje have such a disposition, that at some time aquarium fish podskubują, and a bunch of four fish for them is not enough. From what I read in lekturach is a good approach is to breed for example, 2 males and 3 females.
As the fish aquarium species, males that are not poorly aggressive, but females keep these aquarium fish grzeczniejszy lifestyle. Provided that the hens in baniaku are more males will have to unload on someone and be less aggressive. But to varying baniaku little fishes behave differently. aquarist had three males and one a female, female in general were not interested, and for the males chasing after baniaku.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
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Did I mention that Sophie for some time''by the book''? Can one evening to save the whole book stories about himself and his school friends. Amazing is that he writes these stories sometimes English, sometimes in Polish. All, however, they begin something like this:''Once upon a time ago Zylo the 3 children. They had the name Sophia, T (h) omas, and Yasmin.''
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Disney Cruise Lines Audition
mouth full:)
sun for several days beautifully shining, the children spend every free moment in the fresh air. Matt falls evening tired of these attractions, especially with slowly giving up the stroller and used it only in exceptional sytuacjach.Nachodzi August so the boy:) This weekend I discovered with surprise how much I have changed since August when we have made here, our children's relationships with children neighbors. Once that finally started to get along and the two children of neighbors and finally ceased to treat us like intruzow.Nie I am still uncertain to what extent this change occurred, and if I can honestly say that our relations are already healthy and the like should be, in any case, I am pleased that, because so far the only neighbors were the disadvantage of our house.
sun for several days beautifully shining, the children spend every free moment in the fresh air. Matt falls evening tired of these attractions, especially with slowly giving up the stroller and used it only in exceptional sytuacjach.Nachodzi August so the boy:) This weekend I discovered with surprise how much I have changed since August when we have made here, our children's relationships with children neighbors. Once that finally started to get along and the two children of neighbors and finally ceased to treat us like intruzow.Nie I am still uncertain to what extent this change occurred, and if I can honestly say that our relations are already healthy and the like should be, in any case, I am pleased that, because so far the only neighbors were the disadvantage of our house.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Everyday Minerals Foundation Grams
herbal soap Field bouquet "
very gentle, helpful * and as if from a child * uhodovoe soap for face and body, carefully cleaning the skin with a very light peeling effect due to milled flax seed and herbs with clay, the decoction of herbs lemon balm and chamomile, and a bouquet of fragrances and essential herbal aroma of fresh herbs and flowers.
- on olive oil, palm kernel, coconut, mustard and linseed, enriched with cocoa butter and shea with lanolin.
- As part used alcohol Eleutherococcus Tincture, sage, pine buds, hips, marigold flowers, chamomile and violet tricolor.
- in soapy mass hammer in the form introduced for all of us from childhood acquaintances herbs mint, thyme, chamomile flowers, calendula, sage, echinacea, and flax seeds.
- Enriched with a mixture of essential oils of peppermint, vetiver, lemongrass, bergamot, orange, lemon, rose and neroli.
- No artificial colors and flavorings.
- Store for the use of a dry soap dish.
- swap soap fun in the energy of money *** 100g - 17 UAH .***
- created in an atmosphere of optimism and positive emotions.
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Scrub face and neck" Coconut Sea "
delicate salt / oil scrub for dry, normal and combination skin, very gently exfoliate, imbue oils and nourishes the skin with beneficial substances, after applying the skin soft and renewed.
Before: finely grated coconut meat, avocado, macadamia, almond sweet, complex AXA-fruit extracts and acids, an extract of aloe vera, sea salt, finely ground and the ethereal aroma composition.
for dry and sensitive and skin structure may not be sea salt.
Recommendations: Apply a little scrub on wet face and neck, gently massage a few minutes, rinse with warm water, if desired, rub the skin tonic (or herbal infusion), removing excess oils.
Use 1 per week.
At the moment the cost of 30ml - 18grn.
Store preferably in a cool place.
Before: finely grated coconut meat, avocado, macadamia, almond sweet, complex AXA-fruit extracts and acids, an extract of aloe vera, sea salt, finely ground and the ethereal aroma composition.
for dry and sensitive and skin structure may not be sea salt.
Recommendations: Apply a little scrub on wet face and neck, gently massage a few minutes, rinse with warm water, if desired, rub the skin tonic (or herbal infusion), removing excess oils.
Use 1 per week.
At the moment the cost of 30ml - 18grn.
Store preferably in a cool place.
Can Chickens Give You Ringworm
faithfulness and madness
Today the Islands charity which is great Red Nose Day . As of this year's slogan is:''do something funny for money''in all the schools in August przebieraly kids. I like days like these ten.Udowadniaja with English people just know how to bawic.Kolorowe hair, red noses, colorful stroje.Szalenstwo! The whole school, I counted only a few them were endless dzieci.Wsrod and Zosia. Despite my strenuous namowien to somehow ridiculously dressed, hard swoim.Ubrala has set for August in the''normal''is to say, Saturday-Sunday clothes. The reason? Thomas S. does not like such disguise. Thus, reveal the love szesciolatki:)
Today the Islands charity which is great Red Nose Day . As of this year's slogan is:''do something funny for money''in all the schools in August przebieraly kids. I like days like these ten.Udowadniaja with English people just know how to bawic.Kolorowe hair, red noses, colorful stroje.Szalenstwo! The whole school, I counted only a few them were endless dzieci.Wsrod and Zosia. Despite my strenuous namowien to somehow ridiculously dressed, hard swoim.Ubrala has set for August in the''normal''is to say, Saturday-Sunday clothes. The reason? Thomas S. does not like such disguise. Thus, reveal the love szesciolatki:)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Best Long Island Gay Cruise Spots
Masks and rinse hair. Shampoo Hair Mask 2-in-1 Banana mix"
This is from my own experience, when my grandmother still accustomed to the natural care products hair (egg yolks, honey, mustard powder, Borodino or black bread, flour, bran, apple cider or wine vinegar ... forgetting half of them would be all).
Now I hasten to generalize recipes with natural resources that provide health and nutrition for the "clothes" to our heads.
So the promised 2-in-1: Shampoo-mask " Banana mix ")))
- 1 banana - peel and beat blender a magnificent mass,
- 1 egg yolk,
- 1 tbsp of the base oil (such as jojoba, vin.kosti, sea buckthorn, almond, macadamia )
mix thoroughly and add
- juice of 1 lemon,
- 1-2 tablespoons of honey,
- preferably by 1 ampoule vitamin. B6 and B12,
- might add: 1 tbsp salt, and add composition of essential oil (5-10 drops).
Apply the mixture to dry hair - on the roots and the entire length of the hair for 15-30 minutes. Be sure to wrap up at least a package to banana mashed potatoes from drying out (badly washed away in a dried up). Wash, thoroughly rinsing and vychesyvaya (you can even comb) under water, paying special attention thoroughness of rinsing the mixture at the roots of hair.
Banana - great cleaner and has a foamy consistency.
yolk - a wonderful natural emulsifier for nourishing oil and an excellent source of nutrients for the hair.
Lemon - conditioner and degreaser.
Who Dry hair - may well be that the mixture can be replaced shampoo.
My hair near the roots are prone to fat, so I (so as not to risk the appearance of hair, which my 1 time per week) initially nanoshu quite a bit of shampoo on the roots and carefully wash and a bit of soaked hair with a towel, nanoshu this composition. After his hair acquire additional volume and elastic, healthy flexibility, not to mention the necessary nourishment of hair follicles to activate hair growth!
In our time, the active use of the benefits of civilization and progress we have from prom. shampoos crazy addiction. Therefore, if you decide pereadaptirovat Care their hair for this recipe, do so during the holidays, weekends and in the morning when you have to run to work. Gradually, the hair will get used to this combination and I think that before the end of your deal or not, we must give it the attention and time. Try and share your experiences.
If your hair is very dry, then the mixture add a little olive oil or rub it into the roots of the hair for 1 hour before shampooing, then wash the hair with soap or shampoo.
And : Indelible MASKS and rinsing (almost all of them with very valuable product - honey):
A decoction of onion peel apart that will strengthen your hair, improve growth and cure of dandruff, so more and give your hair a golden-reddish tint reflux. Fill the shells with boiling water and leave brew (or boil) for 15-20 minutes, rinse your hair with broth.
about herbal remedies for hair care can be read here .
Now I hasten to generalize recipes with natural resources that provide health and nutrition for the "clothes" to our heads.
So the promised 2-in-1: Shampoo-mask " Banana mix ")))
- 1 banana - peel and beat blender a magnificent mass,
- 1 egg yolk,
- 1 tbsp of the base oil (such as jojoba, vin.kosti, sea buckthorn, almond, macadamia )
mix thoroughly and add
- juice of 1 lemon,
- 1-2 tablespoons of honey,
- preferably by 1 ampoule vitamin. B6 and B12,
- might add: 1 tbsp salt, and add composition of essential oil (5-10 drops).
Apply the mixture to dry hair - on the roots and the entire length of the hair for 15-30 minutes. Be sure to wrap up at least a package to banana mashed potatoes from drying out (badly washed away in a dried up). Wash, thoroughly rinsing and vychesyvaya (you can even comb) under water, paying special attention thoroughness of rinsing the mixture at the roots of hair.
Banana - great cleaner and has a foamy consistency.
yolk - a wonderful natural emulsifier for nourishing oil and an excellent source of nutrients for the hair.
Lemon - conditioner and degreaser.
Who Dry hair - may well be that the mixture can be replaced shampoo.
My hair near the roots are prone to fat, so I (so as not to risk the appearance of hair, which my 1 time per week) initially nanoshu quite a bit of shampoo on the roots and carefully wash and a bit of soaked hair with a towel, nanoshu this composition. After his hair acquire additional volume and elastic, healthy flexibility, not to mention the necessary nourishment of hair follicles to activate hair growth!
In our time, the active use of the benefits of civilization and progress we have from prom. shampoos crazy addiction. Therefore, if you decide pereadaptirovat Care their hair for this recipe, do so during the holidays, weekends and in the morning when you have to run to work. Gradually, the hair will get used to this combination and I think that before the end of your deal or not, we must give it the attention and time. Try and share your experiences.
If your hair is very dry, then the mixture add a little olive oil or rub it into the roots of the hair for 1 hour before shampooing, then wash the hair with soap or shampoo.
And : Indelible MASKS and rinsing (almost all of them with very valuable product - honey):
- to strengthen hair, increase their growth, elimination of dandruff, getting rid of excess fat and give your hair softness and shine - onion juice + honey (no matter how I "FECAMP" from the bow in this case, but if you really need to be strengthened, then try): to 4 parts grated and squeezed onion, stirring well, add 1 part honey. The mixture was rubbed into the scalp and leave for 20-30 minutes, covering his head rubber cap or plastic bag and rinse with warm water and rinse with lemon juice, quite tolerably neutralizing onion scent on the hair (and on the scalp odor still some time to be heard ...), but at the same time conditioning them.
- To mitigate Hair: 30 g pharmacy Chamomile pour 100ml of boiling water and infuse for an hour, strain and add 1 dess. a spoonful of honey. Pre-washed and slightly threadbare towel hair and the hair root drench with this solution. After 30-40 minutes rinse hair with warm water. Very dry hair to handle so every 2 weeks, and greasy hair - Weekly.
- for dry, bleached, over-dried hair: 1 tbsp honey, 1 tsp castor oil, 1 tsp aloe juice mix and rub into the hair for 30-40 minutes. After Then rinse the hair and, if necessary - Wash and rinse hair with a decoction or infusion of herbs. Such procedures should be done once or twice a week to As long as your hair will not be quite elastic. This mask is recommended to do and dyed hair, and after a perm.
- Herbal Nutrition: 1 part chopped herbs (ground dried herbs tired of boiling water to porridge condition or use fresh herbs, eg., lemon balm, mint, nettle, sage, dandelion, lime blossom, arnica, chamomile, plantain, mashed in a mortar with a small amount of water to a porridge of state) Mix with 1 part honey. Distributed on the scalp for 15-30 minutes, encased under the cap or bag, and rinse thoroughly, scraping the scalp from the remnants of grass.
- Очищает и смягчает кожу, оказывает дезинфицирующее действие при зуде, шелушении, покраснениях: к 100 г меда (если мед кристаллизовался, то его слегка разогреть) add 50 grams of vodka or brandy, stir until smooth. Absorbed by the roots and spread throughout the length. Apply better on wet hair. You can wash away already 10-25 min.
- Universal Mask: 1 egg yolk and 1-2 tablespoons honey thoroughly. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes and preferably wrap to avoid drying out the hair yolk (Dried hard washed). It is recommended especially for dry hair.
- Power and air conditioning: 50 grams of honey mixed with the juice of 1 / 2 lemon. Absorbed by the roots hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse. Hair shiny and silky!
- This is a universal softening hair mask for normal, dry and aging skin face and neck (on the whole upper part))): 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon sour cream, buttermilk and vegetable oils (eg, olive, castor, almond), and 1 tablespoon honey mixed and triturated a homogenous mass. The mixture can be applied to the hair roots, on the face and neck. After 15-30 minutes rinse. If the roots of the hair greasy and has the effect of nedomytoy fat, it can mask do to wash your hair.
- Finest herbal remedies can be done independently for rinsing hair: a tincture of powdered herbs, fruits, roots on fruit vinegar or dry wine the following plants: nettle, chamomile, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme, calamus, green tea, rose hips, burdock root, oak bark, peel of citrus fruits (and much more useful around) - a well-sealed containers fill half the chopped herbs and then filled up to the top wine (preferably white) or vinegar, insist approximately 2-3 weeks and use to rinse hair after washing for 1 liter. 1-2 tablespoons water infusions.
A decoction of onion peel apart that will strengthen your hair, improve growth and cure of dandruff, so more and give your hair a golden-reddish tint reflux. Fill the shells with boiling water and leave brew (or boil) for 15-20 minutes, rinse your hair with broth.
about herbal remedies for hair care can be read here .
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Natural cleaners hair - shampoo soap.
Many have noticed that they have to wash my hair more often, trying to suffering hair more and more new resources to enhance growth, the fallout from dandruff, dullness to hide, etc. etc.
If you do decide to switch to using natural resources to wash your hair, then try shampoo soap . It is composed of natural ingredients: coconut oil, castor, olive, almond, jojoba, macadamia, grape seed, soy, silk (silkworm cocoons), decoctions of herbs, citric and lactic acids (for air conditioning and humidification), essential oils and other active ingredients. Depending on the type of hair matched those or other components.
course, not everyone is suitable shampoo soap. And you can does not evaluate its merits and clearly make a choice "approach - does not fit in the first times of use. Still, to the chemical shampoos hair have become accustomed and wash them easier, simpler, more familiar.
must consider one important factor: the adaptation. - Usually a natural soap, shampoo well received skin scalp and hair, but there may be adaptive reactions. In the case of a catastrophic adaptation takes 5-7 procedures, washing of the head. But it is important to exclude the use of synthetic shampoos and conditioners and rinse hair sour vinegar (wine, apple cider, plain) 1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter. water.
must consider one important factor: the adaptation. - Usually a natural soap, shampoo well received skin scalp and hair, but there may be adaptive reactions. In the case of a catastrophic adaptation takes 5-7 procedures, washing of the head. But it is important to exclude the use of synthetic shampoos and conditioners and rinse hair sour vinegar (wine, apple cider, plain) 1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter. water.
Most people who begin to wash your hair with soap notice that the structure of hair in the first times leaves much to be desired (this may be excessive stiffness, dullness, and even as if nedomytost). This is a normal reaction to the hair, and at that time they are washed away all the petrochemical components, surfactants, incoming of the prom. shampoos. Try to pay attention to and care for your hair and you have trimmed the head with a grateful eared new and healthy hair.
And a piece of soap you already have! And you keep the soap for your hair type!
How to use the hair washed and are not confused?
How to use the hair washed and are not confused?
distinguishing feature of a solid shampoo from a liquid soap shampoo - soap must first be worked into the wetted hair and scalp, which led with a piece of soap as if you brush your hair from roots to tips, and then lather over the entire length (I think that is not right lather hands and formed foam wash your hair - thus the desired effect of washed your hair you will not get).
Thoroughly rinse your hair under the abundant stream of warm (not hot) water.
And be sure to wash your hair after the need to "close the scales, the hair was not sticking out in all directions, unruly shaggy and dull. There is several ways. The most natural and time tested:
- Use the final rinse infusion of herbs (0,5 L of boiling water 2 tablespoons herb or sweep herbs) with 1 tablespoon vinegar to neutralize the remnants of active substances.
- If your hair is greasy, then they can be rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar (preferably apple) or lemon juice (for 0.5L of water 1 tablespoon).
- If your hair is curly, try to put on wet hair (not the roots) is a bit of sodium bicarbonate (food soda) just a few seconds, then rinse with water. But keep in mind that soda has the effect of bleach, so if you want to keep your hair color dark and rich, it is better to abandon its use.
- If your hair is dry, we strongly recommend using indelible natures. balms or spray with a small amount of the same olive oil and macadamia or jojoba.
And, of course, do not forget about the weekly oil masks DO wash your hair, which have been intensively nourish the scalp skin, hair bulbs and care for the entire length of hair.
And let your head is crowned with a flowing, shining grooming and health standard of beauty, worthy of admiration!
And let your head is crowned with a flowing, shining grooming and health standard of beauty, worthy of admiration!
suggest a resource kit on the subject of hair care: |
of hair oils and their properties
Site "Medicinal Herbs" on herbs and other folk remedies to strengthen hair
article about natures. средства по уходу за волосами
"Банк рецептов": лекарственные травы для укрепления волос
Site "Medicinal Herbs" on herbs and other folk remedies to strengthen hair
article about natures. средства по уходу за волосами
"Банк рецептов": лекарственные травы для укрепления волос
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Iron Tables Will Make Babis Black?
Zazhivlyayusche-nourishing cream, ointment, "Mother's care"
Нежнейший масляный cream ointment - contains large amounts of nutrients, uhodovyh oils, so it is very nourishing, well protected (and the temperature drops and the wind and dehydration in hot weather), softens, gently cares, relieves chapped skin irritation, dryness, roughness, speeds up healing and softens with cracks after cutting corns, copes well even with heavy shelling.
recommended to use if necessary for places that require special care, nutrition and care (especially the hands, feet, elbows, knees ...). Apply to damp skin. If prevents excess fat - in a few minutes to remove remnants of a tissue or wipe tonic.
Composition : cocoa butter, shea, avocado, hypericum infused with calendula in olive oil, castor and sea buckthorn oil, mink oil, lanolin, olive. beeswax, vitamins A and E, thymol, panthenol, allantoin, AXA complex fruit extracts and acids, extracts of brandy-Manana, Ginkgo biloba-, aloe, shiitake, Eleutherococcus Tincture, a mixture of essential oils (patchouli, tarragon, lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus and thyme, tea tree).
Aromatic, hand-beaten body oil with a soft, creamy texture will be one of your favorite creams for skin care ... as a mother's care ... as a special ritual of care and protection, full of love to you!
recommended to use if necessary for places that require special care, nutrition and care (especially the hands, feet, elbows, knees ...). Apply to damp skin. If prevents excess fat - in a few minutes to remove remnants of a tissue or wipe tonic.
Composition : cocoa butter, shea, avocado, hypericum infused with calendula in olive oil, castor and sea buckthorn oil, mink oil, lanolin, olive. beeswax, vitamins A and E, thymol, panthenol, allantoin, AXA complex fruit extracts and acids, extracts of brandy-Manana, Ginkgo biloba-, aloe, shiitake, Eleutherococcus Tincture, a mixture of essential oils (patchouli, tarragon, lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus and thyme, tea tree).
Aromatic, hand-beaten body oil with a soft, creamy texture will be one of your favorite creams for skin care ... as a mother's care ... as a special ritual of care and protection, full of love to you!
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Lip Balm "My mother's care"
Lip Balm broad spectrum - contains many nutrients, uhodovyh oils and ingredients, so it is very nourishing and moisturizing the skin, perfectly protected (and by changes in temperature and wind, and dehydration in hot weather), softens, carefully looked after, relieves chapped skin irritation, dryness, roughness, speeds up healing and softens with cracks.
Composition : cocoa butter Shea, Mango, St. John's wort infused with calendula in olive oil, wax, mimosa, almond and olive wax, mink oil, lanolin, vitamins A and E, sea buckthorn oil, panthenol, allantoin, extracts of ginkgo biloba-, aloe vera, shiitake mushrooms, a mixture of essential oils.
This is a special ritual of care and protection, filled with self-love or to the family!
... as my mother's care ...
Composition : cocoa butter Shea, Mango, St. John's wort infused with calendula in olive oil, wax, mimosa, almond and olive wax, mink oil, lanolin, vitamins A and E, sea buckthorn oil, panthenol, allantoin, extracts of ginkgo biloba-, aloe vera, shiitake mushrooms, a mixture of essential oils.
This is a special ritual of care and protection, filled with self-love or to the family!
... as my mother's care ...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Catchy Name For A Gift Shop
soap "Shell"
Picking up this creation is impossible to remain indifferent to the form, nor to the smell.
sheer imitation of this shell! )))
Soap is enriched with silk fibers and fine and gently cares for the skin, giving it elasticity and silk velvet.
Composition : oil palm, coconut, palm, sesame, castor.
I really hope that the man-zhiznetvorets-swinger, who this soap gift, soon see the vast, quiet, stainless freshness and grace of the sea (with a lot of these shells), stretched its wings over him and fly!
Have confident and easy flight! Come back! We love you!
Picking up this creation is impossible to remain indifferent to the form, nor to the smell.
sheer imitation of this shell! )))
Soap is enriched with silk fibers and fine and gently cares for the skin, giving it elasticity and silk velvet.
Composition : oil palm, coconut, palm, sesame, castor.
I really hope that the man-zhiznetvorets-swinger, who this soap gift, soon see the vast, quiet, stainless freshness and grace of the sea (with a lot of these shells), stretched its wings over him and fly!
Have confident and easy flight! Come back! We love you!
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Care: massage oils with aromatic effect.
pace of modern life does not allow us to relax ни на секунду. Стресс, плохая экология, вредные привычки, несбалансированное питание ведут к замедлению обменных процессов, накоплению в организме шлаков and toxins. As a result - constant fatigue and health problems. To restore normal body function, improve mood and help to relax aroma.
mix aroma - a combination of cold pressed oils (base oils) with essential oils. Cold-pressed oil - one of the oldest cosmetics. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and natural complex of vitamins and antioxidants that restore the lipid skin barrier. Aromatic composition of the basic and essential oils (3-5 drops of essential oil to 10ml of base) in a few times intensifies the effect of the procedure. Correctly selected oils helps to improve emotional state, performance, memory, deep relaxation and toning. For example, oils of mandarin and orange enhance mood and have a powerful anti-cellulite effect, jasmine, rose, rosewood and geranium rejuvenate the skin, fur, tea tree and sage possess anti-inflammatory effect and Cough. Before the procedure, a massage oil to heat better. You can use the aromakuritelnitsy with a big bowl or finished oil candles.
mix aroma - a combination of cold pressed oils (base oils) with essential oils. Cold-pressed oil - one of the oldest cosmetics. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and natural complex of vitamins and antioxidants that restore the lipid skin barrier. Aromatic composition of the basic and essential oils (3-5 drops of essential oil to 10ml of base) in a few times intensifies the effect of the procedure. Correctly selected oils helps to improve emotional state, performance, memory, deep relaxation and toning. For example, oils of mandarin and orange enhance mood and have a powerful anti-cellulite effect, jasmine, rose, rosewood and geranium rejuvenate the skin, fur, tea tree and sage possess anti-inflammatory effect and Cough. Before the procedure, a massage oil to heat better. You can use the aromakuritelnitsy with a big bowl or finished oil candles.
When aromatherapy is not desirable to use synthetic oils - they clog pores and contain no nutrients. Natural massage blends provide the maximum therapeutic effect.
Massage - "Transportation" procedure can deliver the deep layers of skin beneficial ingredients, so you should choose massage blends basic and essential oils directed action. Massage oils solve various aesthetic problems and have a relaxing, anti-cellulite, warming, recycling, and antioxidant action.
Massage - "Transportation" procedure can deliver the deep layers of skin beneficial ingredients, so you should choose massage blends basic and essential oils directed action. Massage oils solve various aesthetic problems and have a relaxing, anti-cellulite, warming, recycling, and antioxidant action.
- Oil Black Cumin effective in dysbacteriosis, dermatitis, programs correction
- Jojoba - rejuvenates, razglzhivaet wrinkles
- Avocado - eliminates dermatitis, heals wounds, ulcers
- Macadamia - effective anti-age tool helps with stretch marks, cellulite, rosacea, burns
- Almond - regenerates, eliminates vascular pattern, increases the elasticity of the stomach, hips, bust
- Wheat germ oil - heals, tightens skin, removes puffiness and cuperosis
- Hunter - the ideal tool to care for problem skin, helps with injuries, dermatitis, edema
- Oil grapeseed - antioxidant, lifting tool, reduces inflammation, drains, pores
for different types of massage can be used The following essential oils of STYX Naturcosmetic:
- invigorating massage: lemon, fir, pine, rosemary, cedar, eucalyptus, kayaput, myrtle, clove
- sports massage: verbena, mint, sage, citronella, lemongrass, ginger
- rejuvenating massage: geranium, rose, fennel, chamomile, Petit Grain, Neroli, bergamot, lavender
- pain-relieving massage: nayoli, cloves, kayaput, geranium, rosemary, ginger, marjoram, hyssop, myrtle
- cellulite massage: orange, lemon, juniper, cypress, citronella, mandarin, limett
- beauty massage: jasmine, rose, myrrh, sandalwood, neroli, rosewood, verbena, geranium, and frankincense.
- sports massage: verbena, mint, sage, citronella, lemongrass, ginger
- rejuvenating massage: geranium, rose, fennel, chamomile, Petit Grain, Neroli, bergamot, lavender
- pain-relieving massage: nayoli, cloves, kayaput, geranium, rosemary, ginger, marjoram, hyssop, myrtle
- cellulite massage: orange, lemon, juniper, cypress, citronella, mandarin, limett
- beauty massage: jasmine, rose, myrrh, sandalwood, neroli, rosewood, verbena, geranium, and frankincense.
Therapeutic properties of essential and base oils combined with special massage techniques give the body a powerful positive momentum and positive impact on your emotional state.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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After yesterday's talks with the moms came to the conclusion of a week in Poland is so far too malo.Kupilismy return tickets on the 19th, so I'll be about 5 days longer!
After yesterday's talks with the moms came to the conclusion of a week in Poland is so far too malo.Kupilismy return tickets on the 19th, so I'll be about 5 days longer!
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Baby Castile Soap "Toys"
Castile soap based on olive oil - very delicate, suitable even for sensitive skin prone to allergies and is recommended for small children.
This classic recipe was changed to the additional of a small% of castor oil and palm oil (to increase the effect of moisture, plasticity and foaming).
Here: added essential oils of lavender and lemon.
This soap, like good wine, the longer the ripening, so it only gets better.
This classic recipe was changed to the additional of a small% of castor oil and palm oil (to increase the effect of moisture, plasticity and foaming).
Here: added essential oils of lavender and lemon.
This soap, like good wine, the longer the ripening, so it only gets better.
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soap Moroccan desert "
Taking it in his hands and felt the flavors it is impossible to remain indifferent!
This feeling of an oasis in the desert, juicy freshness with a delicate touch of bitterness.
The composition of the soap provides fairly gentle cleansing and skin care.
This feeling of an oasis in the desert, juicy freshness with a delicate touch of bitterness.
The composition of the soap provides fairly gentle cleansing and skin care.
Ingredients: shea butter, palm kernel, soybean, with the addition of white wine infused with petals Rose, with the addition of clay and cocoa liquor, a mixture of essential oils (lemon and vetiver).
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Castile soap beaten" with a light heart "
Pure Castile soap with olive oil, carefully cooked and lovingly upholstered - a tender, fluffy, soapy texture. Verified - in the water does not sink!
This portion of scented perfumed roses.
But we remember that soap, cooking - a pleasure for us and a new portion of the hearts may be with the aroma of your favorite essential oils)))
This portion of scented perfumed roses.
But we remember that soap, cooking - a pleasure for us and a new portion of the hearts may be with the aroma of your favorite essential oils)))
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