Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dragon Shark Gay Furry

timothy sumatrzańska

sumatrzańska timothy (Puntius tetrazona) - freshwater fish of the carp family. Common in aquarium cultures.

synonymous names:
Capoeta tetrazona
* * Barbus tetrazona

occurrence of Borneo, Sumatra.

size to 6 cm in length.

sides of the body look shiny a żółtawozłocistym color. Can be found on these four vertical black stripes. Color orange-red fins. During the rest bend their snout to bottom.

barbs breeding fish are not difficult to breed because they are often recommended for beginner aquarists. They require fairly high light tank. Optimum Temperature is 1923-1926 ° C, the hardness of water should be 10 ° N, pH 6.5 - 7.0. Aquarium should be well covered with plants, but the fish should be free swimming space. Fish are gregarious, sociable and busy. They should not be bred together fish having a long and delicate fins.

Fish Breeding jajorodna. Males are more slender than females, and the tip of the snout and fins more red. Barbs of spreading the fish are spawning. Propagation is carried out in an aquarium tarliskowym with lots of plants and soft water at a temperature of about 26 ° C. After spawning the parents should be harvested because they can eat the eggs (you can use the mesh protecting the bottom of the tank). The young hatch after 2-3 days. They should be fed infusoria and small plankton.

Rureczniki, wazonkowce, oczliki, lettuce, food company.